Web and Social Media

Breaking News
I utilize my publication's social media platforms to communicate timely news. Throughout the year, I've created breaking news updates and posted them to instagram as instagram stories and twitter threads. This has been a quick, effective way to disseminate important information, such as district COVID updates and school closures.
Content Promotion

I use Twitter and Instagram to publicize The Rock's new content and our achievements/awards. These stories and posts direct readers to our website and keep them updated in a timely manner in regards to breaking and current content.

Following current events, I have created multiple social media posts, especially following major events such as the homecoming football game, student walkouts, and basketball tournaments. To further spread our content and increase engagement with our media, I have even posted 'Rockmedia's 2021 in 10 Photos', as a 'throwback' to our most major/impactful content.
Instagram Posts
(Click on each photo to be taken to the post on Instagram)

Consistent Web
On our website, I made sure that we publish content on a steady schedule. When publishing on our website, I make sure that our stories are spread throughout the week so our readers are met with new content almost daily.