Photographer of the Year Portfolio

Unmasked Tensions
Scholastic Gold Key Winner
At the beginning of the anti-mask walkout, Ava Blanco ’23 stands on a truck in the student parking lot with other protestors and chants “We won’t wear it” Sept. 1. The goal of this protest was to stop the mask mandate. The Rock Canyon protestors walked from the high school to Rocky Heights Middle School, waving flags and chanting.

Slam Dunks and Smiles
During the annual Unified Basketball game, Jatin Thimmannagari ‘23 scores a basket in the first half of the game Feb. 17. The Unified Basketball team competed against the school’s counseling staff in their annual basketball game during seminar. “They deserve to be recognized because not too many people come to watch them,” Educational Assistant Jerome Price said. “We want to try to change that by including them and having everyone else watch the game.”

Floored by Frustration
The Finger of Defiance
Gavin Hershberger ‘22 yells in frustration after slamming to the ground during the boys varsity basketball game against Highlands Ranch Jan. 21. After this win against the Highlands Ranch Falcons, the Jaguars played against the Thunderridge Grizzlies Jan 28.
Ivory Zucker ‘25 gestures negatively towards Kennedy Karbowski '24 and the crowd of anti-mask protestors at the anti-mask walkout in front of the school Sept. 1. Zucker and anti-mask protestors had multiple verbal confrontations, where both sides expressed their opinions passionately. "We are kids and we should live our full high school experience and not be shut down because of a virus,” Karbowski said.

DCSD Demonstration
Jessica Barrett '22, Andrew Dupper '22, and other students erupt into cheers as a car passing by honks their horn at the group of student protestors who walked out in disapproval of the DCSD Board of Education's decision to fire Superintendent Corey Wise Feb. 7. Hundreds of students walked out of class at 1:10 p.m. and protested until the end of the school day at 2:50 p.m. “My mom is a teacher and I know how disrespected teachers are within our district and I thought it was important to protest on behalf of her,” Sarah Kendall ’22 said. “If this continues, teachers will be leaving our district. Without them, what is our district?”

Eyes on the Prize
Chris Schlesinger ‘22 steals the ball during the first play of the boys varsity basketball game against Highlands Ranch Jan. 21. The Jaguars had a 52-37 win against the Falcons.
Eyes for Equity
A protestor holds his sign saying “Don’t Whitewash my Education” Feb. 3. He sat on the brick sign outside the DCSD headquarters at the Wilcox Building during the protest.

A Thrilling Toss
Chloe Bishop ’24 watches the basketball move towards the hoop during the Unified Basketball game Feb. 17. Last year, the team was unable to compete in a basketball game in front of the whole school due to COVID restrictions. “These athletes go out and represent Rock Canyon like every other team,” Educational Assistant Jerome Price said.

His Vision for Valor
3rd Place Douglas County Art Show
Gavin Moody ‘22 individually protests outside of Valor Christian High School (VCHS) Nov. 21. Every day after school, Moody takes a stand against VCHS’s treatment of LGBTQ+ staff and students, protesting their win of the prestigious Blue Ribbon Award. “I stand across the street over there because nobody else does,” Moody said. “I’m bisexual. I see people in my community, who I love, being discriminated against because of something that’s completely arbitrary and out of their control. I can do something about it by standing there for 30 minutes.”

Hollering for HOCO
Caden Tisdale ‘22 and Mason McGaffin '22 perform a manpoms dance routine during halftime of the Homecoming Game Sept. 24 at Echo Park. They coordinated a dance routine with the Poms team, practicing after school a month in advance to learn their routine.
Cece-ing Her Wish Come True
2022 Wish kid, Cece, plays with confetti and balloons after the Wish Week closing assembly in the gym April 8. During the assembly, Student Council announced that $70,022.72 was raised during the week in support of Cece’s wish to become a zookeeper at the San Diego Zoo. Nine additional wishes were granted, making Cece’s wish the 100th wish that the school has granted in 13 years of Wish Week. “The closing ceremony was so heartwarming and it was so nice to see how the school community could come together to uplift 10 wishes, including Cece’s,” Krish Kumar ’22 said.

Taking it to the Streets
Near the intersection of Monarch Boulevard and McArthur Ranch Road, Abigail Wood '24 chants “Remove corruption from our education, remove corruption from our education!” during the student walkout Feb. 7 at 1:00 p.m. in protest of Superintendent Corey Wise being fired without cause Feb. 4. As they participated in the walkout, hundreds of students dressed in black to mourn the death of student and teacher voices in DCSD.